What Will Happen (Again)?

Solar Micro-Novas - What Are They?

Deep Dive Podcast Overview:

This Deep Dive podcast presents a highly controversial and catastrophist view of Earth's history and future, presenting the evidence so-far accumulated and verified of  a recurring disaster cycle on Earth of approximately 12,000 years, driven by the solar system's interaction with the galactic current sheet.

This interaction triggers a solar micro-nova event, causing widespread destruction including a technological blackout that may throw mankind back to the stone age.

What's coming? A magnetic pole shifts, a crustal displacement causing massive bodies of water i.e. Lakes, Oceans, Gulfs, Rivers, and more to move over cities land masses before rushing back to their locations, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, severe climate changes, and massive extinctions of life on Earth, but not all life.

Humans have survived every one of the solar micro-novae recorded thus far. The author of this theory is Ben Davidson who is the founder of the Spaceweather channel on Youtube. 

He believes Earth will experience and is in the prequel to another solar micro-nova before 2050 - leaving humans only 25 years to prepare themselves if they are to survive.

The theory relies heavily on the work of the late Douglas Vogt, emphasizing the importance of Nova-level isotopes found in disaster sediments as key conclusive evidence. Mainstream science has ignored key factors like magnetic fields in their models. 

Key Themes and Ideas:

    The 12,000-Year Disaster Cycle:

The central claim is that Earth experiences a recurring disaster cycle approximately every 12,000 years. This cycle is described as involving:

  • Magnetic pole shifts (geomagnetic excursions). "There are major magnetic pole shifts every 12,000 years called geomagnetic excursions."
  • Major climate shifts. "These events coincide with major climate shifts in the past volcanic events and biosphere stress..."
  • Volcanic events. "These events coincide with major climate shifts in the past volcanic events and biosphere stress..."
  • Biosphere stress and extinctions of species. "These magnetic excursions take out several species and cause serious stress on the entire food chain..."

    The Galactic Current Sheet as a Trigger:

    The driving force behind this cycle is the solar system's periodic 12,000-year encounter with the galactic current sheet, a region within the Milky Way's central plane.
  • "This sheet hits our solar system every 12,000 years. It's hitting again right now and it is the cause of the Great disaster cycle that has plagued our Earth since it's formation..."
  • "The galaxy has a Rippling Electric current sheet that affects all planets in our solar system, including the Earth and our sun,  and act just  like energized sphere magnets do in a lab."
  • The galactic current sheet is presented as delivering both a "magnetic kick" and  accretion of material (dust, ions, neutral gases) on the Sun, both of which are known triggers for solar micro-nova events. "The galactic current sheet is currently bringing the galactic magnetic reversal that delivers the magnetic kick and causes that extra dust and ions to be attracted and dumped onto our star..."

    The Solar Micronova Hypothesis:

    A key component of the disaster cycle is the occurrence of a solar micro-nova, a smaller-scale Nova event on the Sun, triggered by the galactic current sheet interaction.
  • "...it is worth revisiting the real science on this topic and I will try to do it in a way that is very simple to understand..."
  • "The solar micro-nova is going to happen in the coming 25 years and it will be the most devastating thing that's happened to this planet in about 12,000 years..."
  • "...the Nova Isotopes on Earth are the most vital piece of  evidence for the solar micro-nova puzzle..."

    Nova-Level Isotopes as Evidence:

    The presence of specific isotopes, which can only be produced by nova events, in Earth's geological record (specifically in the disaster sediment layers from approximately 12,000 years ago) is presented as strong evidence for the solar micro-nova hypothesis.
  • "The late Dr. Vogt's  most critical contribution was on the Nova level Isotopes discovered on Earth and on the moon and their concentration in the disaster sediments from 12,000 years ago..."
  • "There is no question that these are made by Stellar Nova events. Even a mega meteorite that would sterilize the entire Earth could not produce enough energy to make these Isotopes and obviously no such impactor happened 12,000 years ago...

    Criticism of Mainstream Science:  Mainstream scientific models:

  • Ignores magnetic fields in astrophysical models. "The core issue in this analysis is the presumption that magnetic fields are not important amidst the gas through which the dust is moving and so Dr. Slavin decides not to model them. That's a giant red flag..."
  • Suppress alternative theories. "especially given how many papers he did cite in composing his work. it's a grand failure as many of you know , there are other scientists at Harvard who are on our side and they've told me how my video presentations got under Dr. Slavin's skin and that Ben Davidson was referred to as an unrespectable pseudoscientist conspiracy theorist..."
  • are overly reliant on accretion models for Nova events and ignore the possibility of magnetic triggers. "this essentially nullifies the majority of the last century of Nova science that you find in current textbooks..."  Then there is the current evidence as relayed by Davidson:

    Evidence of a Solar System Wide Event:

    Ben Davidson argues that magnetic shifts are occurring on other planets besides Earth due to the galactic current sheet.
  • "If the galactic magnetic reversal is impacting the entire solar system we should see those magnetic changes on all the planets and the Sun and we absolutely do..."

    Catastrophist Interpretation of History and Mythology:

      Ben Davidson draws parallels between the predicted disaster cycle and historical and mythological accounts of catastrophes, including:
  • Biblical accounts of floods and destruction (Sodom and Gomorrah).
  • Religious texts and mythological stories of a "black sun" and days of darkness. "add in the stories from the Bible, Egypt, Zoroastrian text, and other sources of the black sun and the solar flash it's kind of icing on the cake now..."
  • Claims that governments, and  wealthy elites are preparing for the disaster by building elaborate bunkers underground and speeding up space travel efforts. "It seems the governments and Elites are preparing for exactly this..."

      Important Considerations and Caveats:

  • Lack of Mainstream Scientific Support: The claims made by Ben Davidson are highly controversial and are not supported by the vast majority of the scientific community. The presented "evidence" is often selectively interpreted and presented without proper context.
  • Oversimplification of Complex Processes: Davidson's arguments simplify complex astrophysical and geological processes, potentially misleading viewers.
  • Misrepresentation of Scientific Research: Davidson often misrepresents the findings of scientific papers, taking quotes out of context or ignoring what a few scientists consider contradictory evidence.
  • Potential for Misinformation: Davidson is convinced of his catastrophist narrative those who believe him may suffer from anxiety and potentially harmful decision-making.


This narrative and podcast presentation presents a  scientific theory that still lacks mainstream science support. While it raises interesting questions about Earth's history and the Sun's behavior, it is crucial to approach the claims with a critical and discerning mind. The podcast narrative interpretations of scientific data, reliance on unsubstantiated claims, and criticism of mainstream science should be carefully evaluated. It is important to consult with reputable scientific sources and experts before accepting the evidence as factual.